China CashlessBy 2022 Olympics:U.S. To Replace Cash With Fedcoin

Dear Subscriber,

Yes, you read that correctly. China began developing its digital currency back in 2014, and in April of last year, the People’s Bank of China confirmed that electronic payments are being tested in 4 Chinese regions.

That’s not all, Their new digital curency is backed by gold.

Febraury 2021 China confirmed it has expanded testing to Beijing and Shanghai.

Reuters reported that China would implement its digital currency system before the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. They are well ahead of schedule.

And get this, Since testing begun:

  • China’s digital currency has been used in 3.13 Million transactions worth 1.1 billion Yuan so far
  • 113,300 personal digital wallets and 8,800 corporate digital wallets created by their central bank
  • And every transaction is monitored – ZERO Privacy.

Grab this Complimentary Protection Guide. It will give you a game plan to grow and protect your savings.

But that is just the beginning. Crude Oil is purchased using petrodollars. (U.S Dollars) 

These 8 countries have dropped using the U.S Dollar for the new Chinese petro cryptocurrency:

  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Angola
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Brazil
  • Venezuela
  • and the United Arab Emirates

The Yuan is now the first major global currency to become digitized and it’s backed by gold.

China Will Soon Be Cashless

The United States has no choice but to follow China.

  • Congressional banking subcommittees in both the house and the senate met earlier this year again to discuss America’s new digital currency, the Fedcoin.
  • The Federal Reserve announced August 14th that the central bank is partnering with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers to build and test a digital currency.

When America launches it’s Digital Currency, it’s going to be a disaster for your privacy and your wealth.

I want you to grab this Complimentary Asset Protection Guide. Learn about the one secret account all wealthy people have.

FedCoin, Like The Digital Yuan, Will Give The Government A Godlike Ability To Track EVERY SINGLE Transaction.

They will know every one of your purchases and how you choose to spend your money.

Physical cash gives you anonymity when you transact with dollar bills. Only you and the other party know about it.

With the Fedcoin, all transactions will be recorded in a centralized government database.

Everything you do will leave a permanent record for the feds to monitor and track.

  • Fedcoin can be programmed so that certain transactions can’t take place. For example, If you’re overweight, you can’t buy sweets. If you have a felony conviction, you can’t purchase a gun or ammunition.
  • Fedcoin will be programmed to prevent individuals access to anything the government deems inappropriate for them.
  • If you don’t obey the government, your federal reserve digital account can be depleted by the click of a mouse until you conform to government whim.
  • fedcoin is being embraced by progressives to make all Americans have just one “universal basic income.”

If you are in U.S. dollars, you have to ACT NOW.

China’s gold-backed petroyuan may be good news or bad news.

If your savings are heavily in dollars and paper assets like the stock market, consider this a huge warning. On the flip side, there is one asset that stands to gain abundantly: physical gold.

If you don’t own gold, now is the time. There is an IRS loophole that lets you invest your retirement savings in gold tax and penalty-free. 

The more gold that China acquires for its currency base, the more gold prices go up.

Jump on this now. Get this Complimentary Protection Guide. It contains insider information on protecting retirement savings.

It’s been The #1 Most Requested GOLD GUIDE For The Last 20 Years.

This guide will show you how to protect your retirement savings from digitization and how to profit at the same time.

In this Complimentary Guide, you’ll learn:

  • Why Central Banks around the globe are hoarding Gold.
  • Why Gold is up over 40% in the last eighteen months. 
  • Why BofA is predicting Gold will almost double to $3,000 in the next 12 months.
  • Why Gold guru Jim Rickards says, Gold will hit $11,000 by 2025.
  • Why Gold is the world’s most powerful anti-inflation fighting investment.
  • You will also learn about the one special account that all wealthy people have and why you should have one.

Grab this Complimentary Asset Protection Guide now before this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity disappears.

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